I'm trying to add a journal article , and i try with this code Map<locale, string> titleMap = new HashMap<locale, string>();
Using Liferay 6 with Tomcat Bundle. I am successfully adding journal articles to my liferay system and then adding categories to the associated Asset.
I developed a portlet that added articles porgtrammatically using liferay 6.0.6 and all worked perfectly. Now we are upgrading to Liferay 6.1 and the method ...
I use LR-6.2-CE-GA4 with MySQL 5.6.26 and JDK 1.7.0_79 on windows 7. I'm trying to do a bulk import of journal article using a job (defined as <scheduler-entry> ...
It worked using JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.addArticle. Simple example (I will change to context variables, just wanted to test it):
Hi all, I have created through the web interface the following call CURL
Dec 19, 2007 · I've realize that in the Add Article page (Journal portlet) there is a "short way" to configure the article permissions but I can't find this ...
Hi there, I need assistance in the following scenario: I have downloaded and installed Liferay Portal 5.5-5.1.2. on my Windows Vista.
Dec 19, 2007 · At creation of an article there is the "shortcut": permissions. Here I can set under permissions->configure "add discussion" for the guest user.
Using Liferay 6 with Tomcat Bundle. I am successfully adding journal articles to my liferay system and then adding categories to the associated Asset.