A monthly book announcement and review journal. Considered to be the first periodical in England to offer reviews. In each issue the longer reviews are in the front section followed by short reviews of lesser works.
A monthly book announcement and review journal. Considered to be the first periodical in England to offer reviews. In each issue the longer reviews are in the front section followed by short reviews of lesser works.
Containing scientific abstracts of important and interesting works, published in English; a general account of such as are of less consequence, with short characters, notices, or reviews of valuable foreign books; criticisms on new pieces ...
Containing scientific abstracts of important and interesting works, published in English; a general account of such as are of less consequence, with short characters, notices, or reviews of valuable foreign books; criticisms on new pieces ...
Containing scientific abstracts of important and interesting works, published in English; a general account of such as are of less consequence, with short characters, notices, or reviews of valuable foreign books; criticisms on new pieces ...