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"inauthor: United States. Congress House. Committee on Agriculture", источник:
... House growth, both in attendance and Tiie Allison Undervaluations bill, irhich MARCH 14— There was qaito a rtiscnsston interest. Tbe movement is takinsf bos passed ssed the Senate, m.iy be a Ions; time in the House to-dav over a oil ...
"inauthor: United States. Congress House. Committee on Agriculture", источник:
... House of Commons last night will doubtless cause a widespread feeling of ... United States and Canada for the month of May was $7,000.000, which is an ... committee of employes, instead of in the interests of the employer, found ...
"inauthor: United States. Congress House. Committee on Agriculture", источник:
... Agriculture rep -rt^rd b-ick Kr Beafur'n House bUl routing to thA m mufact ... committee of ono to report It at any time. llaun. F'b. 23.— Tbe House teld a ... Congress to pass an ect providing for the erection of a memorial at ...
"inauthor: United States. Congress House. Committee on Agriculture", источник:
... us his services there may bo needed. They fully realize thai Alexander Legge Is tho man for place. Born on tho Western plains slxly-lhrec years ago, he knows traditional agriculture, the llfo and Iho psychology of tho farming folU For ...
"inauthor: United States. Congress House. Committee on Agriculture", источник:
... United Stilus— roso from hlft RcaU raino duwi to mo and gave mo hia hand ... Congress to provide by law for tbo enforcement of KUC) compensation ... States, and the Territories heyom tho limits thereof is hereby forever ...
"inauthor: United States. Congress House. Committee on Agriculture", источник:
... Congress for ratification. The parts which she especially objects to are tho ... committee of itipply, there can be no fitrthe a amendment, m nnd the vote ... Agriculture and Public Works, shows m that "the settlements of Pitton ...