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1 февр. 2017 г. · This work covers the Crimean crisis of 2014, i.e. the EuroMaidan that started in. Kyiv, in November 2013, and that was followed by the ...
A hashed version of the full standard InChI - designed to create an identifier that encodes structural information and can also be practically used in web ...
Manufacturing sector is the backbone of any economy. It fuels growth, productivity, employment, and strengthens the agricultural sector and the service sector.
The Nippon Caliphate is a colony of Japan located in the East Indies (Malaya, Dutch East Indies, Brunei and Singapore). Since the religion of the whole ...
О-42. Одиннадцатые Татищевские чтения : материалы все- рос. науч.-практ. конф. (г. Екатеринбург, 18–19 нояб. 2015 г.) / отв. ред.
10 окт. 2020 г. · Редакционная коллегия: Ю. О. Каракулько (отв. ред.), Д. П. Бабарико,. В. Б. Бабарико-Омельченко, В. Н. Гердий О. А. Сивурова, Н. С. Шакура.
present an orderly statement of the general common law of the United States, including in that term not only the law developed solely by judicial decisions ...
2711 до н. э. , better known in English by his personal name Hirohito, is the current emperor of Japan, which is part of the Chinese Empire ...
Government representatives and some representatives on the behalf of private section and civil organizations must be attended in this committee. REFERENCES. 1.
18 янв. 2018 г. · Board of Referees: 1. Prof. Amar Basu (Retd.), JNU, New Delhi. 2. Dr. K Govindan Nair, Retired Professor, University of Kerala.