If you're high, you are on drugs, and acting erratically, or like a zombie. But, in the expression, the person is over excited 😜 and all over the place, even incoherent from being so excited, or euphoric.
Jul 13, 2015
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1. of more than normal height; lofty; tall not used of persons 2. extending upward a (specified) distance 3. situated far above the ground or some other level.
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Nov 12, 2015 ˇ In this context, "high" means "high on drugs". In other words, "intoxicated".
Sep 16, 2017 ˇ It means "Are you on drugs?" It is also a slang term used when someone is doing or saying something that seems crazy.
Used to indicate the speaker is under the influence of a mind-altering substance. If it's not obviously something else, that usually means they're referring ...
7 days ago ˇ 1. drunk sense 1a 2. being under the influence of a drug (such as marijuana) taken especially for pleasure : high
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Jan 29, 2021 ˇ I am listening 2pac and I would like to know if "get high" refers only to people who is under the effects of weed or it can refers also to ...
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This means your mind, body & emotional state is altered. It's elevated to the point of bringing you to a “feel good” euphoria. But it…
A feeling of content bliss. Time passes really slowly and that's just the way you like it. Nothing can possibly go wrong.
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high adjective (MENTAL STATE) ... not thinking or behaving normally because of taking drugs: high on He was high on heroin at the time.
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