Continues the adventures of reluctant savior Arlen Bales, who wonders at the identity of a spear-wielding figure that emerges from the desert and leads a vast army intent on a holy war against the demons that have forced humankind to seek ...
In Tibbet’s Brook, the fighting wards have brought change, but the factions and grudges of a troubled past remain. Selia Square, the woman they call Barren, has long been the force that holds the Brook together.
A stunning special edition of Peter V. Brett’s thrilling debut THE PAINTED MAN, the modern fantasy classic that began The Demon Cycle, featuring over 30 illustrations by acclaimed fantasy artist Dominik Broniek.
The Desert Prince has set a new standard for fantasy.”—Wesley Chu, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The War Arts Saga Fifteen years have passed since the end of the war with demons, creatures of darkness who have hunted the night ...
Prepare for the final descent into darkness. Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling author Peter V. Brett brings one of the most imaginative fantasy sagas of the twenty-first century to an epic close.
The stunning debut fantasy novel from author Peter V. Brett.The Painted Man, book one of the Demon Cycle, is a captivating and thrilling fantasy adventure, pulling the reader into a world of demons, darkness and heroes.Voted one of the top ...
Now the war is at hand, and humanity cannot hope to win it unless Arlen and Jardir, with the help of Arlen's wife, Renna, can bend a captured demon prince to their will and force the devious creature to lead them to the Core, where the ...
Don’t miss any of the thrilling novels in Peter V. Brett’s Demon Cycle THE WARDED MAN • THE DESERT SPEAR • THE DAYLIGHT WAR • THE SKULL THRONE • THE CORE
In the grand tradition of George R.R. Martin and Robert Jordan, Sunday Times bestselling author Peter V. Brett continues his critically acclaimed Demon Cycle with the next dramatic instalment: THE SKULL THRONE.
Providing complete and up-to-date coverage for NVQ levels 2 and 3, this title has been revised and redesigned to provide an overview of recent changes to NVQ specifications, as well as new construction legislation.